Many people walk away from a poorly run company with poor management and they’re left jaded. They talk shit about the company, put down the managers (that probably shouldn’t have been managers to begin with), and can’t seem to get past it. But the worst part? Sometimes it haunts them and they take the baggage to their next job.

But what if you turn it into a positive?
What if working for a bad company was actually needed to help you understand what it’s like to appreciate a good company? Which helps you grow both at, and outside of work.
I know when I work for a company that cares, I care. When I work for a company that invests, I invest. When I work for people who are level headed and sane, I tend to be more level headed and sane, and when management goes above and beyond for me, I’ll do the same for them.
Besides the paycheck, most people work for appreciation, they have goals and dreams and they want their work to reach new levels, but when you’re working for a company that won’t give you the proper support to reach those goals, or management is less than adequate, we can subconsciously put ourselves in situations that force us out of that company.
Maybe it’s because we know deep down inside, we end up in better places? Sometimes, as crazy as this sounds, that better place can be unemployment.
I found, once we’re in that better place, that’s when we realize just how bad our last place of employment was. We can see the toxicity clearly. An added benefit is, if you were fired for cause, it can help us get past the guilt. Guilt created as a result of our behavior that lead us into the situation that got us canned.
That’s when working for a bad company becomes a positive!
You lived through it, and if you're now at a good company, you’re going to excel because you’ve been craving appreciation and support. You’re going to soak it up like a sponge, and it’s going to inspire you to do your best work! Not just for you, but to show your last company what and who they lost, and maybe they'll see how they helped contribute to your exit.
So maybe it’s not all you? Maybe it's more them? If that’s the case, get past it and kick ass for your new company. Give them what you could never give your old company.
Don’t you want both companies seeing you at your best? They both deserve it.