I’m someone who doesn’t enjoy the effects of marijuana. I may have an enjoyable experience 1 out of every 10 times, and it’s been like that my entire life, and before you tell me that I need to try different strains, save it! I smoked more pot in my life than I care to admit publicly, and I’ve tried all strains. Nope! Not for me, but CBD flower is!

I was a little skeptical when I first heard that CBD flower contains so little THC that I wouldn’t feel the high effects, yet it will relax me and give me all the positive effects from marijuana.
“CBD flower is cannabis bud that helps people relax without feeling out-of-their-mind high. In fact, if you do feel out-of-your-mind high from a high THC product, you can even use CBD to bring you back down to equilibrium. Today’s indica and sativa strains contain as much as 25 percent THC, much higher than mom and dad's schwag from the 60s. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is just one of many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant and CBD also makes up a sizable portion. Some cannabis growers have opted to cultivate for cannabidiol (CBD) for a therapeutic and non-psychoactive experience. While CBD flower does contain low levels of psychoactive THC, the high levels of CBD regulate the effects of THC.”
I’m not proud of the fact that I’ve experimented with different drugs, but I’m also not embarrassed to say I’ve experimented. Like many have. The reason I’m telling you this is because I’m someone who can speak from experience. I can’t promise that CBD flower won’t give you the same effects as marijuana because I'm not a doctor, but I can tell you that I’m someone who has experimented and I’ve never had a negative experience.
If you’re someone that doesn’t like the effects of marijuana because of paranoia or anxiety, CBD flower will have you feeling the complete opposite. I want to compare it to Xanax, without all the horrible side effects that come with Xanax.
By the way, did you know Xanax can KILL you if you try to get off it and you’re addicted? Did you know that Xanax can have you losing track of time? Sometimes for days, weeks or even months? Did you know that once you get off Xanax, you can go into a deep depression? Did you know that Xanax stops you from feeling anything and then when you’re off it, you’ll feel everything 10 fold? Did you know Xanex is legal and considered less dangerous than marijuana?
Weird huh? I wonder why that is? Any idea?
Here’s some other positive effects from smoking CBD flower that isn’t being reported mainstream like it should be…
"High CBD and low THC flower can alleviate chronic pain, inflammation, seizures, and anxiety. Specifically, CBD flower can help reduce symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, arthritis pain, Dravet’s Syndrome, and some anxiety disorders. When smoked or vaped, CBD flower can deliver immediate effects for acute symptoms. Since consuming CBD flower requires inhalation, it may not be the best consumption method for people with respiratory problems, children or the elderly. "
I’m not writing this to convince anyone not doing drugs to do drugs. I’m writing this to inform you that if you don’t like the effects from marijuana but want to relax, or use CBD flower for medicinal purposes, now you have another person saying the same thing everyone else who's done their own personal research has. With enough of your own searching, you'll see not only are we saying it, but legitimate science and medical researchers are saying it. In case you're late to the party, here's a great article from 3 years ago. Yep, 3 years.
I'll end with good news and bad news for pot smokers.
If you smoke regular marijuana and enjoy it's extreme effects...bad news! You probably won't enjoy CBD flower because it doesn't give you the high that makes you retarded.
Good news...if you get too high and become a retard, you now have something to calm your as down so you don't feel like you're having a heart attack or mental break down.