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The Guaranteed Way to FORCE Colleges to Lower Prices

Something Democrats, Republicans and Libertarians can all agree on is that the cost of tuition is ridiculous, and it’s a problem.

It concerns a majority of the young and their parents, and soon Americans who don’t have children, or don’t want to attend college, may have to start paying for those that want to go.

There’s nothing American about putting our citizens in lifelong debt to get an education, and it’s not American to force citizens to pay for someone else’s education.

Btw, you don’t have to agree on that last paragraph to lower tuition. We can disagree and still get it done.

Here’s How…

From the Boston Tea Party to The Civil Rights marches of the 60’s, some of our biggest accomplishments in history are the result of marches and protesting. The right to assemble and protest has contributed to making America truly great, but it takes one person with enough drive to read what I’m about to suggest and grow this idea into something real.

Question 1: Why are prices so high?

Answer: Because you’re willing to pay.

Question 2: What if EVERYONE wasn’t willing to pay?

Answer: Colleges would be forced to lower tuition.

See where I’m going with this?

Can it be done? Could every single young person who wants to go to college in America make a concerted effort not to sign up for classes to lower tuition for everyone?

Answer: YES!

We’ve proven we can create change by protesting. We’ve made this country a better place by standing together and saying NO! Even if you or your family can afford college tuition, why wouldn’t you want your tuition lowered as well?

Colleges are a business and part of the free market, and like any business in the free market, they can suffer when enough people tell them to fuck off!

You don’t need government for this! Government isn’t going to help you. Like many corporations, colleges contribute to the corruption of our government.

The Guaranteed Solution…

This is an easier fix than you think. Social media and grassroots campaigns can get this going. This can happen as soon as classes are supposed to begin in 2020. You have 8-9 months to grow this! Classes start in August and September. Until then, spread this idea on social media, find leaders that are not politicians, create a plan and pull together the biggest protests seen since the 60’s.

A Freedom for Education March?

I suspect an idea like this scare’s colleges more than the government ever could, because it’s not against the law to not go to college. You can’t be forced to pay for an education.

Do you know how much money colleges make in one semester? BILLIONS! And that's why this is the absolute best solution to force change.

Money talks, and you can make these colleges work for you, instead of you working the rest of your life for these colleges.


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