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I spent way to much time on social media spewing out my opinions. I found myself suspended more time than I can count and I watched my posts get removed because of complaints. I even lost my job in 2018 over a joke I made on my personal Facebook page. A joke that wasn't racist, sexist, homophobic or hateful. At worst, the joke was cringey.


Hey, that's life!


Last week (11-8-2019) I was banned for 7 days and I found myself wanting to write, so I created this blog.


I guess this is where I'm supposed to explain what this blog is about, but isn't it self-exploratory? It's just me shitting out my opinions on life itself. Just things that fascinate me about life, and hopefully along the way you'll either be entertained or find yourself thinking I'm smarter than I actually am.


Why did I spell life the way I did? Because I don't want to be sued by the cereal company or Time | Life magazine. It's also spelled that way in the urban dictionary, and it's definition is perfect for this blog.



LYPHE noun 

\ ËˆlÄ«f  \


The lifestyle of no routinejust do whatever you want, quit your job, go on that road trip, oh yeah...and get high.

My boss is living life... pff boring, I’m living lyphe!

unbothered, free-spirit, unscheduled, no routine


Drop Me a Line, Let Me Know What You Think

© 2023 Copyright is bullshit. I'm not cool with you plagiarizing me, but I'm not paying for a copyright. In other words, don't be a dick and steal my shit!

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