I’m not going to get into gory details, I’m not posting pictures of a tortured animal, I don’t have to preach to the world why hurting animals is wrong, and I will not express anger that Michael Vick will be a captain for the pro bowl.
It’s over!

It’s been over for a very long time; you just haven’t come to terms with it.
Now it’s time to move on and help Michael Vick make the world a better place for animals. It’s time to let the new captain of animal-rights show us how to continuously love animals.
Vick could be the greatest animal-rights activist we’ve seen yet. There’s plenty to learn from him. He can teach others how to love and appreciate animals properly, and his existence can help animals more than anyone or anything ever has.
1 thing….
You’re going to have to let go. You’re going to need to take him off the cross he nailed himself to 10 years ago for that horrible mistake.
Don’t you want him to prove this to you? Don’t animals deserve someone that is consciously making efforts to protect them? For that to happen, Michael Vick needs our support, confidence, and he needs to feel trusted to do the right thing.
Young people NEED to see, not only can you come from nothing and flourish, but you can also make mistakes and then learn from those mistakes. No matter how terrible those mistakes are.
What else does he have to do? What more can he do? He has the ball…
I’m 99.9% positive my daughter would never hurt an animal, but if she did, I’d want her to see people change, learn, and grow. I wouldn’t want her feeling like she made a mistake that could never be forgiven. Where would the hope be inside her so she can feel accepted again, and then teach others that what she did was wrong?
Have you ever not been forgiven? Do you know what that feels like? It destroys the growing process. It stunts the ability to feel empathy towards others when they make a mistake, and it doesn’t give hope. It does the complete opposite.
If you’re an animal lover and you don’t forgive Michael Vick, you lack the same thing Vick lacked a decade ago when he hurt those animals. You lack empathy.
By the way, loving animals more than people is also wrong. Well-adjusted people don’t behave like that.
It’s time to praise Michael Vick for his hard work. As an animal lover, I want him as my captain. He's the perfect choice.